Death Tacos

The restaurant they were in held an aggressively spicy taco challenge twice a year. Basically all the hot sauce that was left over was put together into a hot batch of death sauce with additional spices added. It was then added to the already spicy beef for the tacos and placed in a crispy shell. If they were able to eat all three tacos without drinking any water or consuming anything else they would get a free meal and a t shirt. Steve had dared Marcie into the challenge last year but they had ended up falling out a building and both being in the hospital. Marcie had since vowed never to try and parachute out of a skyscraper ever again.

“Fine on three.” Said Steve. “One.” He picked up a taco. “Two.” Marcie echoed his movements. “Three.” They both bit into the tacos at the same time and started the challenge. At the same time someone at the bar started a timer, as soon as they took the first bite they had ten minutes to finish the meal.

After three bites tiny beads of sweat shone on both of their foreheads.

“Oh god, this sucks.” Marcie said between bites. She was halfway through the first taco, Steve keeping pace.

“I think I may have made a poor life choice.” Steve garbled around taco.

Now that their friends were in pain both Saul and Briana were infinitely more interested in them. “I forgot how good other people’s pain could make you feel. Especially when they inflict it on themselves.”

“Not helping Bri.” Growled Marcie.

“Oh I’m not trying to help. My end goal would be to make taco come out your nose but I think I would be in trouble if I did.” Both Steve and Marcie nodded in the affirmative. They made it through one and a half tacos before Marcie started to flag. They had six minutes left and she was struggling to keep the tears from impeding her vision of the taco on its path to her mouth. Steve was faring better which Marcie realized was because the cells he was destroying with the salsa were regenerating as his body healed them.

Marcie gave up two bites into the third taco. She dove towards the pitcher of water and guzzled down gulp after gulp. Steve fist pumped in victory as he chowed into the final bites of the taco challenge. Once he had completed the challenge and received his t shirt Marcie had to point out the obvious.

“You had this rigged from the beginning. You heal faster than normal people. Totally cheating.” Saul had an arm around her waist consolingly as they paid their bill and exited the restaurant. Steve shrugged.

“You could have said no when I challenged you.”

“Right because I back down from challenges so easily.” She let the sarcasm drip from each word.

Steve laughed. “One of your more frustrating qualities to be sure.”

See what the others did with the aggressively spicy taco suggestion here. 

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